
Lesson 4 3

[Lesson4]What are some common sleep thieves? 106,107페이지, 기말고사 대비 3차시

Host: So here’s something to tell your parents if they complain that you’re wasting the day sleeping in until the afternoon on Saturday. Just say that you’re paying off your sleep debt from studying hard all week. Dr.Z: Yes, sometimes it’s perfectly okay to sleep in. Another thing to remember is that it’s not just about how long you sleep, but also how well. Getting a good night’s sleep requires..

능률교육 고등학교 영어1 <High School English1 Lesson 4, 4차시>

능률교육 고등학교 영어1 Aibileen gathers up more maids, including her best friend Minny to tell their stories. At first, Minny is uncomfortable about telling black maids’ stories to a white woman. “What makes you think colored people need your help? Do you know what will happen if people catch us?” I ask Miss Skeeter. “This is not a game but a matter of life and death.” There is a still moment in the room..

[능률교육] 고등학교 실용영어독해와작문 4과 2차시 (p72)

Mr.Reed : Here are some points to remember when setting goals: - Be clear and specific. - Set a time limit. - Break projects down into small units called “stepping-stone goals.” - Keep a written record of your progress. Hana : Can you give us an example of how these principles can be applied? Mr.Reed : Of course. Let’s suppose Susan’s future goal is to be a reporter for a daily newspaper. Here’s..
