
Practical English 3

[동영상]능률교육 실용영어1(고등학교 1학년 영어) Special Lesson 3차시(p125,126)

고등학교 1학년 실용영어1(능률교육, 이찬승외저) 4과 뒤에 있는 Special Lesson: Eating History 부분 3차시입니다. 드디어 실용영어1 교과서 절반을 끝냅니다. 125페이지와 126페이지인데, 이 부분에 관한 텍스트 자료는 만드는 중입니다. 소제목은 Our Favorite Ingredient 입니다. 조만간(아마 금주 내) 텍스트 자료도 포스팅하겠습니다. 중간고사가 슬슬 다가옵니다. 다들 힘내서 원하는 점수를 받기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

능률 실용영어1 [p.26] Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream

“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” - Charles F. Kettering Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream If you want to maximize your chance of success, you must act as if you were already successful. This does not mean acting fake or showing off. It means believing in yourself and thinking and feeling like you have already achieved your goal. Think clearly about who you want to be, ..

능률교육] 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3. 56페이지 해석 및 해설 수업자료 (3과 마지막 시간)

An Exciting Night Market On our third day in Taiwan, we visited the famous Shilin Night Market. I couldn’t believe how huge and crowded it was. There were many local people shopping there, as well as a lot of tourists enjoying the sights. Throughout the market, vendors were selling all kinds of food such as lamb stew, kebabs, and fruit covered in sugar. We tried many different foods. By the time..
