
§English§/고1)실용영어1 수업자료 35

[Lesson4]Do You Suffer from Sleep debt? 능률교육 실용영어1 4과 2차시 105페이지 고1 기말고사 대비

능률교육(이찬승 저) 실용영어1 4과 2차시 Host: I have a kind of funny question. What happens if you don’t sleep for a long time? Dr.Z: Actually, I have the perfect example for you. Once, an American high school student managed to stay awake for 264 hours, breaking the previous record of 260 hours. But he had some disturbing psychological problems along the way. He saw things that didn’t exist by the forth day, ..

[Lesson4]4과 "Good Day, Good Night! Do You Suffer From Sleep Debt?" 1차시 103~104페이지

실용영어1, Hight School Practical English 1, 능률, 이찬승 Lesson 4. Good Day, Good Night Think about why sleep is important for us. 잠이 우리에게 중요한 이유를 생각해 봅시다 Listening and Speaking Around the Clock When the Sun Goes Down Reading Do You Suffer from “Sleep Debt”? Writing A Summary of an Article Language Points There is no doubt that we all need enough sound sleep. Not getting enough sleep makes it harder for..

블로그 자료(수업자료 포함) 복사 및 자료배포 관련 안내사항

[블로그 내 자료 프린트에 관하여] 댓글로 교과서 수업자료를 이메일을 통해 보내달라고 요청하시는 분들이 많이 계십니다. 그 분들의 영어시험에 대한 열의에 경의를 표합니다. 전부 보내드릴 수 있으면 좋겠으나, 현재 저는 학교에서 근무를 하고 업무도 맞고 있기 때문에 모든 분들의 요청에 답해드릴 수 없음을 이해 부탁드리겠습니다. 자료에 대한 우클릭 방지 플러그인을 걸어놓은 것은 교과서에 대한 저작권이 저에게 없기 때문입니다. 마음 같아서는 학원에서 강의를 한다거나 하는 경우에 차라리 저작권료를 지불하고 참고서 형식으로 만들어 사용하고 싶은 생각은 있으나, 학교에 근무하는 이상 단순히 교과서에 대한 비영리목적의 사용이 최선이며, 그럴 경우 배포는 문제가 될 수 있기 때문입니다. 하지만 교과서를 만드는 목적이 ..

[Lesson3]3과 Top Three Tips for Traveling in India 3차시,81페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

[Lesson3]3과 Top Three Tips for Traveling in India 3차시,81페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1 When we arrived back in Korea, nothing seemed to have changed. However, we had certainly changed. Together, the five of us had experienced unforgettable things that few people of our age have ever even thought about. India gave us not only a unique chance to explore amazingly beautiful plac..

[Lesson3]3과 Five Friends' Amazing Adventures 2차시,79,80페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

Before we even left for India, we knew that one of the places we had to see was the Taj Mahal. When we first saw it from far away, it looked beautiful and very different from the buildings of the surrounding town. It looked like a magical painting rather than a real place. The admission fee was high, but it was worth every penny! The white stone of the building shone brightly in the sun. We read..

[Lesson3]3과 Here and There 1차시,77,78페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

Lesson 3. Here and There Think about a place you want to go to on vacation. 실생활에서 이용하는 여러 장소를 살펴보고 스스로 여행을 계획해 봄으로써 다양한 장소에서 일어날 수 있는 일에 능동적으로 대처하는 능력을 기를 수 있다. Listening and Speaking The Chinese restaurant is on the second floor. Do you prefer traveling by yourself or with others? Writing A Journal about Your Trip Language Points The admission fee was high, but it was worth every penny! The air..

[Lesson2]2과 4차시,53페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

December 6 Oops! I just realized that I left my clothes back at the party last night. That's okay, because my days of wearing extra layers are finally over. If Sarah had fallen in love with the "bigger" me, she wouldn't like me anymore as soon as she found out I was faking it. Besides, winter isn't going to last forever, and I can't wear as many layers in the spring. I'd look like a sheep with i..

[Lesson2]2과 3차시,52페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

Tonight was the worst night ever! I went to a party at a friend's house. It's winter, but I stayed outside because it was too hot inside. Being inside the house felt like being in a sauna, but Sarah was in the living room, so I headed that way. We were talking and she noticed that I was sweating. She probably thought I was nervous talking to her and thought it was sweet. In reality, I was about ..

[Lesson2]2과 Heartbeat 2차시,50~51페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

September 12 I am very frustrated! All summer, I've been doing countless push-ups and lifting weights until I can't bend my arms. I've had protein shakes, egg whites and cheese. I've been forcing myself to eat as much as three heavy men, but nothing is working. I weigh myself constantly, and I'm still not gaining weight. October 29 I can't believe what happened today! It's amazing! My problems a..
