
Lesson3 6

[Lesson3]3과 Here and There 1차시,77,78페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

Lesson 3. Here and There Think about a place you want to go to on vacation. 실생활에서 이용하는 여러 장소를 살펴보고 스스로 여행을 계획해 봄으로써 다양한 장소에서 일어날 수 있는 일에 능동적으로 대처하는 능력을 기를 수 있다. Listening and Speaking The Chinese restaurant is on the second floor. Do you prefer traveling by yourself or with others? Writing A Journal about Your Trip Language Points The admission fee was high, but it was worth every penny! The air..

[Lesson3] The Pleasure of Eating [능률교육 고등학교 영어1(High School English1] 3차시(p78)

[Lesson3] The Pleasure of Eating [능률교육 고등학교 영어1(High School English1] 3차시(p78) The smell of food also helps us prepare to enjoy the meal. Before we taste a bite, we experience it through its smell. This makes the glands in our mouth produce saliva. This explains why delicious food is sometimes described as “mouth-watering.” For example, when a steak is cooked at a high temperature, more of its j..

[Lesson3] The Pleasure of Eating [능률교육 고등학교 영어1(High School English1] 2차시(p76~77)

[Lesson3] The Pleasure of Eating [능률교육 고등학교 영어1(High School English1] 2차시(p76~77) In order to meet the demands of each course, Escoffier modernized meal preparation by dividing his kitchens into five different sections. The first section made cold dishes and organized the supplies for the whole kitchen. The second section took care of soups, vegetables, and desserts. The third dealt with dishes ..

[Lesson3] The Pleasure of Eating [능률교육 고등학교 영어1(High School English1] 1차시(p74~75)

The Innovations of a Great Chef Food is an important part of every culture. The food that we eat has changed a lot throughout history. The way it is prepared and served has also changed greatly over time. Long ago, in Europe, French chef developed many techniques and dishes that are still popular today, and their ideas continue to be repected around the world. In the early 19th century, as long ..

능률교육 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3, 54~55페이지 해석 및 해설 수업자료

The Tallest Building in Taiwan After arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, we took a taxi into Taipei. It’s an enormous city filled with oud noises, bright lights, and all kinds of activities. There were a lot of cars, just like at home, but we were surprised by the number of motorcycles on the street. It seemed like everyone in Taipei was riding one! After we checked into our hotel,..

(능률교육) 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3(3과). 52~53페이지 해석 및 수업자료

Lesson3. Planning a Trip Reading(Understanding Descriptive Details) - 여행관련 글 읽고 여행계획하기 Writing(Travelogue) - 여행 기행문 쓰기 A Family Trip to Tiwan Last month, my parents suggested traveling abroad for the first time. My brother and I were both very excited. After talking about it, we decided on Taiwan because my brother, who has a special interest in architecture, wanted to visit the famous Taipei 10..
