
Practical English1 5

[동영상]능률교육 실용영어1(고등학교 1학년 영어) Special Lesson 1차시(p119,121,123)

고등학교 1학년 실용영어1(능률교육, 이찬승외저) 4과 뒤에 있는 Special Lesson: Eating History 부분 1차시입니다. 원래 191페이지 다음으로 120,121페이지 준비를 하려고 했는데 복사본 순서가 엇갈려 121페이지는 다음 차시에 진행하도록 하겠습니다. 대신 122페이지 A Brown Pleasure를 먼저 하게 되었네요. 이번 차시의 제목과 소제목은 각각 Eating History, Foods the World Loves, A Brown Pleasure 입니다. 2차시와 3차시는 내일, 모레로 올리도록 준비해 보겠습니다. 수업진도 나가면서 영상 찍고 올리는거라 정신이 없습니다.ㅠㅠ 그리고 영상촬영 도중에 빠르게 넘어가느라 제대로 설명이 되지 않았거나 실수가 있을 수도 있으니 ..

[Lesson4]4과 "Good Day, Good Night! Do You Suffer From Sleep Debt?" 1차시 103~104페이지

실용영어1, Hight School Practical English 1, 능률, 이찬승 Lesson 4. Good Day, Good Night Think about why sleep is important for us. 잠이 우리에게 중요한 이유를 생각해 봅시다 Listening and Speaking Around the Clock When the Sun Goes Down Reading Do You Suffer from “Sleep Debt”? Writing A Summary of an Article Language Points There is no doubt that we all need enough sound sleep. Not getting enough sleep makes it harder for..

[Lesson3]3과 Here and There 1차시,77,78페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

Lesson 3. Here and There Think about a place you want to go to on vacation. 실생활에서 이용하는 여러 장소를 살펴보고 스스로 여행을 계획해 봄으로써 다양한 장소에서 일어날 수 있는 일에 능동적으로 대처하는 능력을 기를 수 있다. Listening and Speaking The Chinese restaurant is on the second floor. Do you prefer traveling by yourself or with others? Writing A Journal about Your Trip Language Points The admission fee was high, but it was worth every penny! The air..

[Lesson2]2과 Heartbeat 2차시,50~51페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

September 12 I am very frustrated! All summer, I've been doing countless push-ups and lifting weights until I can't bend my arms. I've had protein shakes, egg whites and cheese. I've been forcing myself to eat as much as three heavy men, but nothing is working. I weigh myself constantly, and I'm still not gaining weight. October 29 I can't believe what happened today! It's amazing! My problems a..

[능률교육]고1 실용영어1 교과서 분석, 1과 4회차, 마지막시간 27페이지

Jamie, 18 When my friend decided to hold a “Come As You Will Be” party, I wasn’t sure who I wanted to be. But the party’s idea got me thinking. It reminded me of a TV show about lawyers that I like. So, I attended the party playing the role of a lawyer. After the party, I slowly developed more confidence and self-esteem. Today, I have chosen my university major and my future job. Of course, one ..
