
능률교육 42

[Lesson4]What are some common sleep thieves? 106,107페이지, 기말고사 대비 3차시

Host: So here’s something to tell your parents if they complain that you’re wasting the day sleeping in until the afternoon on Saturday. Just say that you’re paying off your sleep debt from studying hard all week. Dr.Z: Yes, sometimes it’s perfectly okay to sleep in. Another thing to remember is that it’s not just about how long you sleep, but also how well. Getting a good night’s sleep requires..

[동영상]능률교육 실용영어1 1과 The Power of You(p.26,27)수업영상

고등학교 1학년 실용영어1 교과서(능률교육 이찬승) 1과 The Power of You, See, Believe and Become의 26페이지, 27페이지 수업동영상입니다.학교 교실수업 때 부족하거나 놓칠 수 있는 부분을 넣었습니다. ^^영상에는 본문 필기 및 해석도 있고, 추가적으로 작년에 포스팅한 텍스트 분석 자료도 있으니 확인해보세요.26페이지, 27페이지 자료링크 클릭

[동영상]능률교육 실용영어1 1과 See, Believe, and Become (p.24,25) 수업영상

고등학교 1학년 능률교육 실용영어1 교과서 1과 24,25페이지의 필기 및 수업동영상입니다.이전 동영상 포스팅에서 말씀드렸다시피 텍스트만의 분석자료가 자칫 지루하거나 질릴 수 있다고 생각했네요.민망하지만 영상 만들어서 필기 하는 모습과 설명내용을 확인할 수 있도록 했으니 도움 되시길 바랍니다. 이 내용에 대한 텍스트 분석자료는 http://languagescope.tistory.com/147

[동영상]능률교육 실용영어1 1과 See, Believe, and Become (p.23) 수업영상

능률교육 실용영어1 고등학교 영어교과서 23페이지 수업영상자료입니다.기존의 텍스트자료에 추가적으로 집에서 수업을 들어보고 싶은 학생들을 위해 제작하고 있습니다.해당 페이지에 대한 해석 및 해설 텍스트 자료는블로그 글 http://languagescope.tistory.com/145 여기 링크를 눌러 들어가면 공부할 수 있습니다.

[Lesson4]Do You Suffer from Sleep debt? 능률교육 실용영어1 4과 2차시 105페이지 고1 기말고사 대비

능률교육(이찬승 저) 실용영어1 4과 2차시 Host: I have a kind of funny question. What happens if you don’t sleep for a long time? Dr.Z: Actually, I have the perfect example for you. Once, an American high school student managed to stay awake for 264 hours, breaking the previous record of 260 hours. But he had some disturbing psychological problems along the way. He saw things that didn’t exist by the forth day, ..

[Lesson1]Thanks for Life 5차시(p.27)-능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승 When it was time for his speech

[Lesson1]Thanks for Life 5차시(p.27)-능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승 When it was time for his speech When it was time for his speech, Chris stared at the audience for a moment and cleared his throat before starting. “Today marks the end of a long journey for us – a journey not only of academic growth but of personal growth as well. This is a time for us to thank everyone in our lives for helping us make it throug..

[Lesson1]Thanks for Life 2차시 (p.24) - 능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승

[Lesson1] Thanks for Life 2차시 (p.24) - 능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승 Suddenly, some older boys ran up to Chris, knocking over his stack of books and tripping him. As he fell to the ground, his glasses fell off and all of the books went flying out of his hands. I felt really sorry for him, watching him crawl around looking for his glasses with tears in his eyes, so I ran over and helped him pick up his things...

[Lesson3]3과 Five Friends' Amazing Adventures 2차시,79,80페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

Before we even left for India, we knew that one of the places we had to see was the Taj Mahal. When we first saw it from far away, it looked beautiful and very different from the buildings of the surrounding town. It looked like a magical painting rather than a real place. The admission fee was high, but it was worth every penny! The white stone of the building shone brightly in the sun. We read..

[Lesson2]2과 3차시,52페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

Tonight was the worst night ever! I went to a party at a friend's house. It's winter, but I stayed outside because it was too hot inside. Being inside the house felt like being in a sauna, but Sarah was in the living room, so I headed that way. We were talking and she noticed that I was sweating. She probably thought I was nervous talking to her and thought it was sweet. In reality, I was about ..

[Lesson2]2과 Heartbeat 2차시,50~51페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

September 12 I am very frustrated! All summer, I've been doing countless push-ups and lifting weights until I can't bend my arms. I've had protein shakes, egg whites and cheese. I've been forcing myself to eat as much as three heavy men, but nothing is working. I weigh myself constantly, and I'm still not gaining weight. October 29 I can't believe what happened today! It's amazing! My problems a..
