
지각동사 4

[Lesson1]Thanks for Life 3차시 (p.25) - 능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승 Back at school on Monday morning

Back at school on Monday morning, I saw Chris carrying that big stack of books again. I jokingly said, “Are you actually studying that many books, or are you just using them to exercise?” He laughed at that and handed me some of the books. The more I got to know Chris, the more I liked him. Over the next few years, we became best friends. When we were seniors, I was disappointed that we wouldn’t..

[Lesson1]Thanks for Life 2차시 (p.24) - 능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승

[Lesson1] Thanks for Life 2차시 (p.24) - 능률교육 실용영어2, 이찬승 Suddenly, some older boys ran up to Chris, knocking over his stack of books and tripping him. As he fell to the ground, his glasses fell off and all of the books went flying out of his hands. I felt really sorry for him, watching him crawl around looking for his glasses with tears in his eyes, so I ran over and helped him pick up his things...

[Lesson 1] The Power of You, 23페이지, See Believe and Become 1차시, [능률교육, High School Practical English 1, 고등학교 실용영어1]

Lesson 1. The Power of You “Think about people who become successful after some early failures. Language Points I attended the party playing the role of a lawyer. 현재분사 The more you visualize yourself achieving your goals, the more your mind will search for ways to make it happen. [the] 비교급, [the] 비교급 See, Believe and Become “Imagine is everything. It is the preview to life’s coming attractions.”..

능률교육 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3, 54~55페이지 해석 및 해설 수업자료

The Tallest Building in Taiwan After arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, we took a taxi into Taipei. It’s an enormous city filled with oud noises, bright lights, and all kinds of activities. There were a lot of cars, just like at home, but we were surprised by the number of motorcycles on the street. It seemed like everyone in Taipei was riding one! After we checked into our hotel,..
