
실용영어 23

[Lesson4]What are some common sleep thieves? 106,107페이지, 기말고사 대비 3차시

Host: So here’s something to tell your parents if they complain that you’re wasting the day sleeping in until the afternoon on Saturday. Just say that you’re paying off your sleep debt from studying hard all week. Dr.Z: Yes, sometimes it’s perfectly okay to sleep in. Another thing to remember is that it’s not just about how long you sleep, but also how well. Getting a good night’s sleep requires..

블로그 자료(수업자료 포함) 복사 및 자료배포 관련 안내사항

[블로그 내 자료 프린트에 관하여] 댓글로 교과서 수업자료를 이메일을 통해 보내달라고 요청하시는 분들이 많이 계십니다. 그 분들의 영어시험에 대한 열의에 경의를 표합니다. 전부 보내드릴 수 있으면 좋겠으나, 현재 저는 학교에서 근무를 하고 업무도 맞고 있기 때문에 모든 분들의 요청에 답해드릴 수 없음을 이해 부탁드리겠습니다. 자료에 대한 우클릭 방지 플러그인을 걸어놓은 것은 교과서에 대한 저작권이 저에게 없기 때문입니다. 마음 같아서는 학원에서 강의를 한다거나 하는 경우에 차라리 저작권료를 지불하고 참고서 형식으로 만들어 사용하고 싶은 생각은 있으나, 학교에 근무하는 이상 단순히 교과서에 대한 비영리목적의 사용이 최선이며, 그럴 경우 배포는 문제가 될 수 있기 때문입니다. 하지만 교과서를 만드는 목적이 ..

[Lesson3]3과 Top Three Tips for Traveling in India 3차시,81페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1

[Lesson3]3과 Top Three Tips for Traveling in India 3차시,81페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1 When we arrived back in Korea, nothing seemed to have changed. However, we had certainly changed. Together, the five of us had experienced unforgettable things that few people of our age have ever even thought about. India gave us not only a unique chance to explore amazingly beautiful plac..

[Lesson2]2과 3차시,52페이지[능률교육,High School Practical English1,고등학교 실용영어1]

Tonight was the worst night ever! I went to a party at a friend's house. It's winter, but I stayed outside because it was too hot inside. Being inside the house felt like being in a sauna, but Sarah was in the living room, so I headed that way. We were talking and she noticed that I was sweating. She probably thought I was nervous talking to her and thought it was sweet. In reality, I was about ..

능률 실용영어1 [p.26] Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream

“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” - Charles F. Kettering Act As If You Already Achieved Your Dream If you want to maximize your chance of success, you must act as if you were already successful. This does not mean acting fake or showing off. It means believing in yourself and thinking and feeling like you have already achieved your goal. Think clearly about who you want to be, ..

Lesson5-3 능률교육 실용영어 독해와 작문 5과 세 번째 시간

Beyond the Limits After competing in marathons for four years, Rick and Dick were ready for a new challenge. They decided to participate in a triathlon. Dick was not a very good swimmer and hadn’t ridden a bicycle since he was six years old. People told Dick that triathlon would be impossible for him and Rick and that he would be crazy to put his son through such an ordeal, but Rick and Dick wer..

Lesson5-2 실용영어 독해와 작문 (능률교육) 5과 두 번째 시간

The Beginning of Team Hoyt Rick had two younger brothers, and his parents were convinced that Rick was just as intelligent as they were, so they wanted to send Rick to a public school. However, because Rick could not speak, the school authorities believed that he was not mentally able to comprehend enough study at their school. Rick’s parents refused to accept that, and soon they themselves taug..

Lesson5-1 실용영어 독해와 작문 5과 첫 번째 시간 (능률교육)

Lesson5. Love Beyond Words Reading(Transition Words) - The Power of a Father’s Love Writing(Newspaper Article) - A School Newspaper The Power of a Father’s Love Prologue Here is a wonderful story about a father and son who have a very special relationship. The father’s name is Dick Hoyt, and the son’s name is Rick Hoyt. When Rick was born, the umbilical cord became wrapped around his neck and cu..

[능률교육] 고등학교 실용영어 독해와작문(독작) Lesson 4. 70~71페이지

Lesson4. The Road to Success Reading(Making Inferences) - See It to Achieve It! Writing(A Life Plan) - 미래의 모습 및 계획 쓰기 Hana : Good morning, everyone. Our guest today is Daniel Reed, a famous motivational speaker who is going to tell us about how to achieve success. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Reed. Mr.Reed : It’s pleasure to be here, Hana. Hana : So, let’s talk about motivation. We all know tha..

능률교육 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3, 54~55페이지 해석 및 해설 수업자료

The Tallest Building in Taiwan After arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, we took a taxi into Taipei. It’s an enormous city filled with oud noises, bright lights, and all kinds of activities. There were a lot of cars, just like at home, but we were surprised by the number of motorcycles on the street. It seemed like everyone in Taipei was riding one! After we checked into our hotel,..
