
전체 글 153

(능률교육) 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문 Lesson 2. 34~35페이지

The Bagel: A Healthy American Favorite A bagel is bread with a hole in the middle, like a doughnut. Unlike other bread products, bagels are boiled in water before they are baked. This cooking process makes bagels chewy and gives them a shiny surface. Since there is no butter, milk or sugar added to bagels, they are low in fat and cholesterol. This has made them a popular healthy food. According ..

능률교육 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3, 54~55페이지 해석 및 해설 수업자료

The Tallest Building in Taiwan After arriving at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, we took a taxi into Taipei. It’s an enormous city filled with oud noises, bright lights, and all kinds of activities. There were a lot of cars, just like at home, but we were surprised by the number of motorcycles on the street. It seemed like everyone in Taipei was riding one! After we checked into our hotel,..

(능률교육) 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 3(3과). 52~53페이지 해석 및 수업자료

Lesson3. Planning a Trip Reading(Understanding Descriptive Details) - 여행관련 글 읽고 여행계획하기 Writing(Travelogue) - 여행 기행문 쓰기 A Family Trip to Tiwan Last month, my parents suggested traveling abroad for the first time. My brother and I were both very excited. After talking about it, we decided on Taiwan because my brother, who has a special interest in architecture, wanted to visit the famous Taipei 10..

영어 원서 발췌 수업자료1 (IT, written by Stephen King) - Extensive Reading

Section1 : Reading IT (written by Stephen King) p.38 Patricia Uris later told her mother she should have known something was wrong. She should have known it, she said, because Stanley never took baths in the early evening. He showered early each morning and sometimes soaked late at night (with a magazine in one hand and a cold beer in the other), but baths at 7:00 P.M. were not his style. And th..

능률교육 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문 Lesson 2. 32~33페이지 수업자료

Lesson2. Foods We Like Reading(Recognizing the Reference Words) - 관련 글 읽고 문화이해하기 Writing(Reviewing Restaurants) - 식당 평가 글쓰기 Bread Around the World Bread has been a staple food of the human diet since at least 30,000 years ago. The first bread was probably a flat bread made of roasted and ground grains. Over the centuries, each culture and region has developed its own unique varieties of bread, a..

(능률교육) 고등학교 실용영어 독해와 작문(독작) Lesson 1. 16~18페이지 수업자료

Buy and Sell Used Goods Do you have home electronics, furniture or any other things that are old but still in good condition just lying around? Are you about to throw them away? Well, STOP! Check our website and sell the things you aren’t using anymore and help keep the Earth free from waste. Or just go to “For Sale” to buy things you need at great prices. Buy Recycled Products! Do you buy thing..

Practical English Reading and Writing (능률교육) Lesson 1. 1차시 수업내용

Lesson1. Let’s Go “Green Shopping” Reading(Recognizing the Main Idea) - 광고 글 읽기 Writing(Selling Used Items) - 광고 글 쓰기 Last week, I got a huge package in the mail. At first, I didn’t know what it was. Given the enormous size of the box, I didn’t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. I looked through the packaging in the box, and guess what I found! Another li..

원서로 공부하는 문법! [일반적인 소유격과 소유관계를 나타내는 전치사 of]

Excerpt from "IT", written by Stephen King (P174) The body had been that of three-year-old Matthew Clements, reported missing by his parents only the day before (his picture had been on the front page of the Derry News, a dark, haired little kid grinning brashly into the camera, a Red Sox cap perched on his head). The Clements family lived on Kansas Street, all the way on the other side of town...

관계대명사의 제한적용법과 비제한적용법(계속적용법) by lAngmA

관계대명사의 제한적용법과 비제한적용법(계속적용법) 안녕하세요. 좋은 하루 보내고 계시는지 모르겠네요. 오늘 포스팅은 다시 문법으로 돌아와서.. 사실 문법이라고 하기도 뭐하지만.. 영어교육 전공자들이 교원임용시험을 볼 때 거의 필수적으로 보는 원서 중 하나인 The Teacher's Grammar of English 를 참고하여 정리하려고 합니다. 내용은.... 관계대명사의 제한적용법과 비제한적용법이고요..ㅎㅎ 1. 관계대명사? 2. 문장으로 명사를 수식하는 관계대명사 3. 부가적인 설명을 위한 관계대명사 사용의 두 가지 형태 4. 정리 1. 관계대명사? 일단 관계대명사부터 설명드리자면.. 쉽게 말해서 "명사"를 수식하는 "절"을 끌고다니는 하나나 두 개의 "단어" 라고 할 수 있습니다. 말이 좀 복잡하죠..

§English§/Grammar 2013.10.01

[미드추천] 애드가 앨런 포의 미스테리와 범죄의 만남, The Following

오랜만에.. 매번 인사말이 "오랜만"으로 시작하게 되는 것 같네요. 아시는 분은 아시겠지만.. 블로그 포스팅을 조금 길게 쉬는지라.. 이웃 블로거님들도 굉장히 가끔씩 들어오시겠죠? 공부중이라.... 올해 블로그를 제대로 시작은 했지만 끝은 제대로 보지 못할 것 같습니다..ㅠㅠ 그래도.. 오늘 포스팅의 본론으로 돌아가서.. 오랜만에 괜찮은 미드 하나가 끌려서 소개하려 합니다. 몇 개 있긴 하지만.. 이상하게도 한참 제가 미드에 푹 빠져 산 기간동안 봤던 것들과는 느낌이 다르더군요.. 긍정적인 부분보다는.. 별로.. 였습니다.. 미드를 처음 접하고선 느꼈던 소재의 참신함이.. 아무래도 워낙 많은 미드를 보다보니 참신함이 없어졌던 것 같네요.. 하지만 오늘 이 미드는 스토리 전개가 상당히 마음에 든 편이었습니..
